7 foods for sufferers of the bone Erosion, nutrient dense!

Consuming food for sufferers of the bone erosion may not treat the condition of bone erosion. However, these foods can help you maintain the health of cartilage and relieve the symptoms that you are experiencing.

Bone erosion disease or osteoarthritis is a disease of inflammation (inflammation) that attack the lining of cartilage in joints. The disease erodes the cartilage and joints are commonly afflicted by bearing the burden of the body, including the knees, hips, and spine.

The importance of the function of food for sufferers of the bone Erosion

Originally the cartilage of the joints started experiencing thinning and loss of kelenturannya. This process also triggers the inflammatory response (inflammation) so as to cause the formation of free radical compounds. It is this compound that damage the cells of the body, including the joints.

Food for sufferers of the bone erosion must be able to counteract the effect of free radicals. These benefits can you gain by eating foods rich in antioxidants. Not only ward off free radicals, this type of specific antioxidants even believed may slow down progression of the disease and relieve pain.

Food for sufferers of the bone erosion should ideally not contain high amounts of fat. It so that you can reduce excess body weight so that the burden of the body against lututmu reduced.

Avoid consumption of foods high in omega-3 fatty acids can also help you to prevent inflammation. This type of fatty acids can help suppress the inflammatory response that occurs in people with bone erosion.

Diverse food for sufferers of the bone Erosion

In order to counter the effect of free radicals and reduces inflammation, you need to eat foods rich in vitamin and antioxidant compounds. You can get it by eating a variety of foods:

1. Orange

If you are looking for the best sources of antioxidants, then orange is one of them. Vitamin C in oranges can help you fight free radicals and prevent damage of joints due to inflammation.

Consuming one citrus fruit would suffice over half the vitamin C you need in a day. Don't just limit your choice with sweet orange, you can menyelinginya with the consumption of citrus fruits such as limes Pawpaw or Mandarin.

2. Berries

Behind the tiny size, it turns out that berries are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant compound called anthocyanin. The relationships with a bitter taste that can have the effect of reducing the risk of severity of a number of diseases related to inflammation.

To get this benefit, you can consume a variety of berries in between strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, blackberry, and cranberries. You can mengonsumsinya in a State of fresh or add it on salad dishes full of nutrition.

3. Sea food

Seafood such as salmon, cod, shrimp and good also consume are rich in vitamin d. Vitamin D can help prevent thinning of cartilage and reduce the risk of joint space narrowing due to bone erosion.

In addition to seafood, you can also get vitamin D from the egg, yogurt, tofu, dairy products and cereals fortified vitamin d. Sun to also Try and get the benefits of morning sunlight for health tulangmu.

4. Salmon

Salmon is a fatty fish with omega-3 fatty acids that nourish. This fat content has a bitter taste so good consumed sufferer of bone erosion.

To preserve the health of joints, eat at least one serving of fatty fish per week. In addition to salmon, you can also eat fresh tuna, sardines, or fish mackerel.

Green vegetables contain antioxidants and vitamin D is important for bone

5. Broccoli

Broccoli, kale, cauliflower, lettuce, cabbage, and Brussels is included in the Group of cruciferous vegetables. These vegetables good for sufferers of the bone erosion because it is rich in antioxidant compounds are sulforaphane.

Sulforaphane helps your body fight inflammation by reducing the production of cytokines are intimately connected with the inflammatory process. Due to the antioxidant content of this function on the cruciferous vegetables are believed to be contributing to lowering the risk of heart disease and cancer.

6. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables contain vitamin D compounds and various antioxidants to fight free radicals. Vitamin D is important in calcium absorption and can increase the immunity of the body so that you are able to keep out the infection.

Several types of green leafy vegetables that you can consume in between spinach, cabbage, mustard greens, cabbage, leaf beet, watercress, and bok choy.

7. Olive oil

Olive oil contains compounds that can prevent oleocanthal inflammatory. The most common content of oleocanthal in olive oil with the flavor of the most powerful. How, just use olive oil as a substitute for butter or oil for cooking.

8. Nuts

Antioxidants can also be obtained from nuts. The best sources of antioxidants are almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, and pistachios. Add 45 grams (approximately 2 tablespoons) nuts into the menu makanmu to benefit his senses.

Keep in mind that beans are a source of calorie dense foods. So, still follow the suggestion of presentation and don't overdo it, Yes!

Food is one of the essential elements in maintaining the health and support the healing of disease. Along with the use of medications and a healthy lifestyle, appropriate food consumption can help you alleviate the symptoms of bone erosion.

In addition to consuming food for sufferers of the bone erosion, don't forget to equip it with keeping a fixed ideal weight, make sure the menu makanmu always varies, and is always on the move.

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